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Meeting with Marisa Lago, U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade

Today (September 9, 2024), the Acting State Secretary of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications, P. Altan-Od, welcomed the U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, Mrs. Marisa Lago, during her visit to Mongolia. P. Altan-Od appreciated the visit and discussed joint initiatives and future projects between the two countries, particularly in digital development, innovation, and communications.

Key initiatives resulting from collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications:

• Programs have been initiated in cooperation with organizations such as the U.S. State Department and MITRE to empower the Mongolian government and public entities to bolster cybersecurity and combat cyberattacks.

• The Silk Road Innovation Center has officially launched as part of a joint initiative with Central Asian countries. It has hosted ten leading Mongolian IT companies, helping them integrate into Silicon Valley's ecosystem.

• The "Grow with Google" program was successfully implemented, training 1,000 professionals in digital skills.

• We support and are working toward introducing the international electronic payment system "Apple Pay" in Mongolia.

Future areas of cooperation between Mongolia and the United States include:

• Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

• Investment funds (Matching Fund, Venture Fund)

• Space technology and cosmology

• Cybersecurity

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